Monday, July 28, 2008


I've noticed in many emails I receive, that the author demonstrates a specific
sequential weakness when typing a certain word. Some examples are “dya” for
and “adn” for “and”. Sadly, I do this, too. My personal vice is typing “teh”
instead of “the”. 'Drives me insane! Some day, I'm gonna commit the time and
energy, and just type "the" over and over a thousand times so to build the
muscle memory I need to avoid ever typing the annoying "teh" ever again! On
the other hand, one of my
students who is really into computers and stuff was
sympathetic, and even guaranteed me that "teh" has been recently christened
legit, and now has its own definition: a
minor adjective with no specific meaning;
a filler. So it masks the problem, sort of like aspirin for a headache, or cortisone
for professional fooze ball
players. But whatever teh solution, it helps. I know
some other people who have Tourette's Typing [my term],
like typing "fro" in-
stead of "for"...which is funnier. Think of
the ironic possibilities that could create!

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the teh the the the the the the the the the the the the the
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the teh the the teh teh (Ahhh It's too hard!)the.

I definitely need to get this fro Tuesday.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our House In The Middle of the Street...the details

Here are the exciting details of our new house...purchased just in time for the Great International Recession and resulting World War. A little scary. Fear-mongering aside, we have a super-cool little dwelling, and here are some pics of it, with comments from the artist:

Your tour guide, Brianna

We have a tree swing. Cool.

The lovely and picturesque east side of our house. Our room is the upper south window; the girls' is the upper north. The living room is below our room, and the kitchen is below the girls' room. (The tour guide is looking for her cue card).

The technology nook,
the Remarkable Bookcase, aka "Lazarus" (yes, there's absolutely a story to that),
the hall to the back door and storage shed,
the girls' room

For some reason, I really dig our mailbox, and we have incredible flowers and stuff all around our yard.

front flower garden

and that's about it. In regards to the absences of Bree's partner in crime (Addison), she's inside, either learning to crawl, or eating something she shouldn't.

Feel free to drop by the place and see it for real. We'd love to have you!