Friday, December 08, 2006

In-Flight Movie, pt 1

Once the plane pulled away from the gate today, they were kind enough to show us a short little independent movie. It was a comedy, as far as I could tell, about (appropriately enough) a fictional airplane ride. Immediately, the plane had to make an emergency landing in a field. To be honest, the landing was uncreative and void of all suspense and tension. It was, instead, a splendidly negotiated landing by the pilots, and hats off to them, as both the plane and passengers were, as far as I could tell, completely undamaged. I had to admire the composure and almost non chalant manner with which the passengers went solidly about the business of administering oxygen masks to the children first, then to themselves, and leaning forward in textbook crash positions.

Later in the movie, the same plane and the same passengers were forced to make another emergency landing, this time over water, with the same results. At this point, I had to wonder whether the pilots deserved unmeasured praise…or a pink slip. Twice in one flight?! The movie ended abruptly with a blue screen and a watermark of the very airline on which I was traveling. I didn’t like the movie that much.
They showed the movie first in English then turned right around and showed it again in French which, on a flight from Denver to Dallas, was a little confusing.


Blogger The Locks said...

Just an FYI: you should always put on your oxygen mask before placing one on any children you are with. That way there is no chance you will pass out, at least not from lack of oxygen.

4:33 PM  

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