Wednesday, June 06, 2007

2 Days 'Til...

My daughter, Brianna, was 20 months old yesterday. I've come to realize that, after 19 months, it sounds weird to use 'months' as a time mark. "She's 20 months old", which isn't old in the first place, and just seems stilted. I think I'll begin using the method of countdown for a while and see if that makes more sense to me. This week, I'll count down how long until I get to see her every day, since school will be out. Brianna's now 2 days 'til. So am I. Hold it--that's confusing...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Confusing, maybe, but consistently enjoying each day, sharing love and training, is a way God brings you closer together. What a blessing! Keep counting...MOM

11:25 AM  

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