Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Self-Isolation and Being Recently Re-employed!

I'm not the greatest communicator when it comes to my circle of friends. Though I truly love them all, I have a runaway penchant for introversion. I have a leaning toward episodic self-isolation. I'm not saying this is a good thing, I'm just confessing, because they(?) say confession is good for the soul and I need all the help I can get. It's a strange and uncomfortable place to live, being an introvertive extrovert, but we all have our little idiosyncrasies. Enough confession. My soul feels decidedly lifted, and I have other important news for all my devoted friends who have been calling asking about my family's presumed penury.

'Tis not true!! I have recently come into the good graces of one Drake Middle School in Arvada, CO. I'm teaching seventh grade honors Lit and Comp. It was one of those "I know a person who says they know a girl who thinks this guy is looking for a teaching job" kind of things. Long story short: God, in His infinite grace and enlightened timing, hooked me up and things are going much better, from a bank account point of view. The unfortunate debt Alisa and I racked up during my short but precarious descent into unemployment is slowly being repaid, and we will soon be in the black. Three cheers for 0% interest balance transfers!!

Back to my original point--don't expect to hear from me again for a long time. I'm feeling like I need some time alone. So, Happy Labor Day, and Merry Christmas and Kwanza, oh devoted, long-suffering circle of friends, if I don't talk to you before then. You deserve better...(I'm only half-way kidding). Thanks for the consistency and love, and the prayers for work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How desolate and hopeless this sounds. My heart hurts for you.PL

10:17 PM  

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